
Num Num Pre Spoon Gootensil Pink Lavender

by Num Num
Sold out
# 040232449963

When it’s too soon to spoon, it’s the perfect time for NumNum®

How It Works
Designed for use with pureed foods, the blue NumNum uses raised textures to grab food. The orange NumNum uses surface tension to capture thicker blends.

No Right or Wrong Way to Hold It
Unlike a spoon, NumNum has a flat head so all baby has to do is dip and eat! No scooping or balancing required.

Dip First, Scoop Later
Dipping lets a child practice bringing food to the mouth without requiring wrist rotation, an advanced skill.

Safe Materials
NumNum uses FDA-grade TPE and foodgrade polypropylene, which are both hypoallergenic and free of PVC, BPA and phthalates.

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